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Документ Anamnestic, clinical and pathomorphological characteristics of malignant mammary tumors and dysplasia in dogs(НУБіП України, 2019) Mykhalenko, N.I.; Kmitevych, E.O.Parameters of 37 canine mammary malignant tumors and 13 dysplasia were compared. The age of an animal at the time of treatment in veterinary clinic, the age of the first factors of neoplasm, the number of births during life and the period of the last one, feeding nature, pseudo pregnancy and lactaton cases, the number and locaton of affected mammary gland, neoplasm macro characteristcs were considered. The size of the leter was determined with a view to three factors, the occurrence of capsules in neoplasms was ranked in points. The intensity of lactaton malfuncton was determined under the same method. Canine mammary dysplasia was examined at an earlier age than malignant tumors. This is partly due to the earlier onset than in the case of malignant tumors. At the same tme, period between cancer discovery and treatment in the later case was much shorter. It may state faster growth of tumors in case of malignancy than in mammary dysplasia. A significant difference in neoplasms size - malignant tumor and dysplasia is the proof thereof.Study of the influence of the number of births in the occurrence of different mammary neoplasms showed that dogs with dysplasia gave birth twice as less than those with diagnosed malignant tumors. The period between the last birth and identficaton of factors of disease for both groups of animals was the same. There was no significant difference also in the frequency of cases with lactaton malfuncton in dogs with mammary malignant tumors and dysplasia. Groups of animals with mammary malignant tumors and dysplasia differed on such characteristcs as frequency of tumors with full, partal or no capsule, and the average number of mammary gland affected and their localizaton.Документ Bacterioscopic method of the snails’ meat freshness determination(НУБіП України, 2019) Zabarna, I.V.The aim of the study was to improve and determine the degree of freshness of meat of snails of Helix genus after different technological processing by bacterioscopic method. Since there is no data in the modern scientific literature about the determination of indicators of safety and quality of meat of snails, in particular the freshness of meat of different species and different technological processes by bacterioscopic method, therefore the problem is relevant. The meat of snails of genus Helix has been used for the study, subspecies: Helix pomatia, Helix aspersa maxima and Helix aspersa muller. 30 samples of meat of snails of each species, bred in a snail farm of the Kyiv region were selected for the study. The research was conducted in the winter, when the snails were in anabiosis condion. The meat of snails was investigated after various technological processing: live, chilled and cooked and frozen. According to the results of the study, it was found that the meat of live snails was fresh for 2 days; doubtful freshness – from 3 days to 5 days; stale – in 7 days; freshly chilled meat of snails was fresh in 2 days including; doubtful freshness – from 3 to 6 days; stale – in 7 and 8 days; and coocked and chilled snails’ meat was fresh after the storage for 6 months at a temperature of minus 18 °С. These data are stable and reliable, therefore, these indicators can be used in assessing the safety of snail meat under different processing conditions and aster different storage periods.Документ Biomotphological features of hip joint (skeleton, ligaments, muscles) og pink flamingo(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Druz, N.V.; Savchuk, K.S.This work is devoted to the study of the biomorphological features of hip joint, namely, it's skeleton, ligaments, muscles. The study of the peculiarities of the locomotive apparatus of birds in line with other animals makes it pissible to understand phylogeny as an adaptive process, which forms the basis of evolution in general meaning. The article gives a theoretical generalization of the features of the hip joint's structure of birds, which are characterized by different types of biomorphological adaptations, namely the type and speed of ground movement in the medium of exastance. This allows to conduct from new position an analysis of processes of differentiation and transformation of the hip joint’s muscles and features of skeletal elements of birds that function and develop under the influence of various external features. There are described generalizated of the original systematic morphological study of the hip joint elements, as the main apparatus of the bipedal locomotion of the class of birds. For the first time, detailed comparative description of the skeletal, ligaments and muscles of the hip joint of the pink flamingo is presented. The biomorphological features of the muscles, acting on the hip joint of the pink flamingo were investigated. It was establushed, the that degree of differentiation of the muscles is due to the walking type of bipolar locomotion, as well as the biomorphological features of the static, which in turn imposes certain imprints on the degree of development of each individual muscle.Документ Clinical presentation of fibrinous streptococcal uveitis in cattle(НУБіП України, 2020) Doroshchuk, V.O.; Povazhenko, I.O.Inflammation of the deep structures of the eye in cattle, in particular the vasculature, is rarely diagnosed, the cure rate is very small, due to insufficient study of diseases of the vascular tract of the eye. Inflammation of the vascular tract (uveitis) in cattle rarely becomes the object of scientific research, despite its prevalence. Uveitis, like many other diseases of the organ of vision, often leads to blindness, such animals are forced to cull, causing significant economic damage to agriculture. The disease has been poorly studied in productive animals, with the exception of horses, however, the literary sources concerning uveitis in cattle are isolated and unsystematic. Bovine uveitis requires a thorough and comprehensive study of the features of etiopathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, and the development of rational therapy. The article highlights the clinical symptoms of fibrinous uveitis of streptococcal etiology in cattle. Fibrinous uveitis is characterized by involvement in the inflammatory process of the iris and ciliary body. The disease is accompanied by sequential complications: synechia; cataracts and glaucoma; lysis of the lens and vitreous body, which leads to subatrophy of the eye. In the development of fibrinous uveitis streptococcal etiology should distinguish four stages: inflammatory hyperemia of the choroid; stage of fibrinous exudation and synechia; glaucoma and cataract stage, lens resection; enophthalmos. The disease stages consist of two phases: the phase of septic inflammation; phase of autoimmunization (phakogenic uveitis).Документ Dynamics of some biochemical indicators in canine pRBC during storage period(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Tsvilikhovski, M.I.; Yakymchuk, I.M.; Makaryn, A.O.; Yakymchuk, O.M.; Marynyuk, M.O.According to the standards of humane medicine, a large concentration of extracellular potassium may accumulate in the human packed red blood cells (pRBCs) during storage. Therefore, during transfusion to the recipient of such pRBCs, there is a risk of developing hyperkalaemia. This is one of the reasons for a significant restriction of the use of erythrocytic mass in humane medicine, sometimes after two weeks of storage. In veterinary medicine there is no research on the dynamics of accumulation of potassium and lactate in the canine pRBCs. The aim of the study was to determine the concentrations of potassium and lactate in the canine pRBC for different periods of its storage. According to the results of the research, the concentration of potassium during the 35-day storage period of the canine pRBCs significantly increased in 2.1 times from 3.89 ± 0.16 mmol/L to 8.12 ± 0.26 mmol/L, and lactate concentration increased in 10.7 times from 1.8 ± 0.07 mmol/L to 19.3 ± 0.25 mmol/L, followed by a rapid decrease in these parameters after the 21st day of pRBC storage. It was established that the concentrations of potassium and lactate in the canine pRBC on the 35th day of storage is safe for its transfusion to animals. Moreover, the level of lactate in the canine pRBC can be used as a criterion for its suitability for transfusion to patients. In the future, it is important to determine the dynamics of changes in the morphological parameters of the erythrocytic mass of dogs for different periods of its storage.Документ Features of the thymic morphology in hens and ducks(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Dyshlyuk, N.V.; Parkhomenko, A.V.The features of the thymic morphology in hens and ducks were studied. Samples were obtained from 3 adult birds of each species. They were studied by light microscopy using classical methods of morphological research. The tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin block and finally the sections were cut at 5-10 μm thickness using sliding microtome and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, according to Van Gizon and Weigert and impregnated with silver nitrate according to Kelemen. It was established that the thymus of birds was represented by isolated cervical parts, which, in the form of strands, were located under the skin on the lateral surfaces of the neck, along the trachea, along the course of the neurovascular bundle, and consisted of individual lobes. In hens 5 to 8 lobes were included in each thymus and extended from the 3-cervical vertebra to the start of the thoraco-abdominal cavity. Thymus of ducks consisted of 3-4 lobes and was located in the posterior third of the neck. Its cranial end was at the level of 10-11 cervical vertebrae, and caudal end reached 12 cervical vertebra. Individual lobes of duck’s thymus had a greater absolute mass than the lobes of hen’s thymus. They were also more separated from each other. Lobes of hen’s and duck’s thymus had a variety of shapes. Among them, there were mainly oval, convex-oval, beanshaped, rounded, flat and, sometimes, sickle-shaped. Morphofunctional units of the thymus were lobules, which consisted of a cortex and a medulla. In birds the medulla occupied a larger area than the cortex. In the medulla, there were Hassall’s corpuscles, that were better developed in ducks.Документ Functional activity and morphological peculiarities of mesenchimal stem cells during in vitro cultivation conditions(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Kladnytska, L.V.; Mazurkevych, A.I.; Khomych, V.T.; Mazurkevych, T.A.; Stegney, Z.G.; Maluk, М.О.; Garmanchuk, L.V.; Velychko, S.V.; Kharkevych, Y.O.; Shelest, D.V.; Velychko, V.S.; Stupak, В.The studies were conducted on 2-3-months-old males of C57BL/6 mice weighing 20-24 g. Obtaining and cultivating of mesenchimal stem cells (MSCs) were carried out in a sterile laminar box with compliance of conditions of asepsis and antiseptics. MSCs of the 2, 4, 7 and 12 passages were analyzed. Morphometric analysis was performed using a light microscopy. Morphometric parameters such as cell and nucleus area or nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) were calculated using the Axiovision light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and ImageJ 1.45 software. Trypan blue dye used for investigation of the viability of MSC. The morphological features of cells during cultivation changes: at first cells have a spindle-like shape with two long cytoplasmic processes, located bipolar. In later passages, cells have a significant number of cytoplasm processes, bipolar arrangement of processes changes to stellar. The NCR index of MSC significant decreases at the 4 passage by 12,9 % (p ≤ 0,05), at the 7 passage - by 35,3 % (p <0,001), at the 12 passage - by 76,6 % (p <0,001) compared to the initial state. The proliferative activity of the MSC of the bone marrow during cultivation significantly dereases at the later passages. Cell resistance to apoptosis induced by cultivation in the serum-free medium is fairly high. The number of cells in the state of apoptosis was 14,0±1,74 at the 4 passage and was reliably increased at the 12 passage to 22,67±1,55 % (p ≤ 0,05) during cultivation.Документ Index of productivity laying hens and the chemical composition of eggs for the use of pro- and postbioticsg(НУБіП України, 2019) Kucheruk, M.D.; Zasekin, D.A.The article discusses the efficiency of keeping laying hens in organic farming. The use of prophylactic drugs based on probiotic microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum and postbiotic "Bacteriosan" - the development of employees of the Department of animal hygiene and sanitaon. prof. A. K. Skorokhodko. The research was conducted in a certified organic farm. In one of the premises of the organic farm, experienced chickens were kept, they were fed organic food, and a probiotic drug based on the Lactobacillus plantarum strain was added to the water in a dosage of 1 g / l daily, for 7 days, with a week break throughout life. In another room, experienced chickens were also kept, they were fed organic food, and a solution of postbiotic "Bacteriosan" was added to the water (100 ml of 40 % lacc acid + 0.05 g of bacteriocin nisin +895 ml of H2O), at a dose of 1 ml / l daily. The third room contained chickens of the control group (K), which received organic food without additives, no preventive drugs were used. The following parameters were studied in laying hens: live weight, egg laying intensity, weight of the egg and its components (protein and yolk), shell thickness. Analysis and interpretation of the experimental data obtained prove the positive effect of both these drugs, compared with the control. There was an increase in the live weight of laying hens and the intensity of egg laying, the latier in the first experimental group (probiotic) was 75.09 %, and in the second (postbiotic) - 76.50 %, against 70.30 % - in the control group. Similar changes were found in relation to the weight of eggs and the weight of their components (yolk and protein), as well as the thickness and weight of the shell compared to the control group of birds. Probiotic Lactobaillus plantarum and postbiotic "Bacteriosan" are recommended for use by laying hens for their content and production in organic poultry farming.Документ Influence of the medications containing phospholipids on the serum immunoglobulin g level in calves during formation of colostral immunity(НУБіП України, 2020) Golopura, S.I.; Tsvilikhovsky, M.I.; Popadiuk, B.V.The results of the application of the medication “Membranostabil” and native phospholipid bilayer liposomes based on soybean lecithin developed by this research group for correction of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) content in newborn calves during colostral immunity formation are presented. The indices of IgG content in blood serum of newborn calves have been investigated in dynamics - from the birth till the age of 11 days. Studies were performed on newborn calves of three groups (control, and two experimental ones) of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed. The level of IgG was investigated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel Quantitative estima- tion of protein fractions was performed by scanning the electrophoregram, with their subsequent graphical reconstruction and calculation by relative units or area using a computer program. It is established that “Membranostabil” medication and native liposomes from phospholipid bilayer based on soybean lecithin activate transport of immunoglobulins in small intestine and promote a significant increase of content of serum IgG compared to calves of the control group. The content of IgG in the serum of newborns calves of both experimental groups at 6 hours of age significantly increased and remained higher throughout the duration of the experiment, except for the calves of the first experimental group at the age of 7 days, compared with calves in the control group. The dynamics with comparative analysis of serum IgG content between calves of individual groups is shown. The increase of content of serum IgG in newborn calves is one of factors preventing early immunodeficiency, sepsis, development of digestive disorders, and other diseases of young animals.Документ Lactation tetany in horses (clinical signs, treatment, prevention)(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Borodynia, V.І.; Lobodina, L.S.The publication covers the clinical signs and flow of lactation tetany of horses, applied treatment of sick animals and prevention of this pathology. The degree of manifestation of clinical signs in lactation tetany corresponds to the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood serum of mare. For the mild form of the course of lactation tetany, the only sign of the disease may be increased excitability of the animal. In severe forms in sick horses there is a complex of typical clinical signs for hypocalcemic tetany. The amount of calcium in the serum in the initial stage of the disease, when the excitation of the animal is observed> 8 mg%; with the appearance of spasm signs - 5-8 mg%; lying position and numbness - <5 mg%. If there is no applying of timely treatment, the disease progresses with a mortal term within 24-48 hours. The preliminary diagnosis is based on data from anamnesis, clinical signs of the disease and response to specific treatment. The final diagnosis requires confirmation of low levels of ionized calcium in serum. For therapeutic purposes, for the mares is given intravenous introduction of calcium solutions, symptomatic treatment. Preventive measures are providing the sufficient amounts of calcium and phosphorus and their correlation in feed during the entire period of pregnancy and feeding the foals.Документ Lactation tetany in horses (milk fever, hypocalcemic tetany, transport tetany, eclampsia): distribution, etiology(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Borodynia, V.І.; Lobodina, L.S.The publication covers issues of distribution and etiology of lactation tetany in horses. This disease occurs as a result of a disturbance of calcium metabolism in the mare's body. This pathological condition is associated with a sharp decrease in the level of ionized calcium in the blood serum, and sometimes with changes in the concentration of magnesium and phosphorus in it. Lactation tetany is a rather rare disease of horses. This pathology is diagnosed after a kidling with the onset of lactation, in the mares, when hypocalcaemia develops in organism of animal, after prolonged physical activity or transport (transport tetany), eclampsia. Signs of the disease are variable and associated with neuromuscular hyperresistibility. Lactation tetany is more likely to be affected by shire horse breeds. The mortality rate of animals is high and reaches more than 60%. Hypocalcemic tetany occurs in mare, which feeds the foal - on average 10 days after kidfling or 1-2 days after it is weaned. Mechanisms of hypocalcemia development in the mare's organism, which feeds the foal, consist of reducing the absorption of this element from the intestine, increasing its loss through the kidneys, sweat or milk (in the presence of lactation); or inhibition of osteolysis due to changes in the level of parathyroid hormone (parathormone), calcitonine or vitamin D, in stress states.Документ Prevalence of pancreatic pathology in dog(НУБіП України, 2019) Milastnaia, A.G.; Dukhnytskyi, V.B.The article presents the results of the study of the prevalence of pancreatic diseases among dogs in Kyiv. Was studied the history disease of 5075 dogs showed that more than 90 % of the cases of non-infectious etiology are. It has been established that diseases of the digestive system in general make up 20,3 % of the total non-infectious pathology and occupy the third place in the frequency of occurrence after diseases of the skin and the cardiovascular system. It is determined that among the diseases of the digestive system in dogs the most frequent occurrence of intestinal diseases – 31, 5 %); the second place is occupied by diseases of the pancreas – 28, 6 %; in third place were liver and gall bladder diseases, which were diagnosed in 27,5 %. A total of 10,3 % animals had gastric diseases and 2,1 % had esophageal diseases. Among them, the main place belongs to the inflammatory disease of the pancreas of inflammatory genesis, which make up 28,6 among pathologies of the digestive system and 94,6 % among pancreatic pathologies in general. Thus, inflammation of the pancreas in dogs is 94,6 % of the total number of pathologies of this organ. Analyzing the above, it can be argued that every 17 animals in Kyiv suffer from pancreatitis. Given the lack of objective diagnostic criteria for pancreatitis in dogs, the difficulty in verifying the diagnosis and frequent pancreatitis, together with related diseases, can be assumed that the data obtained are underestimated.Документ Protective activity of a complex antigen for the design of associated vaccine with the purpose of control of bacterial infections of powder(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Mazur, T.V.; Pronko, I.V.Significant damage to pig farms with traditional and sometimes industrial technology, the maintenance of association with bacterial infections - salmonella, pastereliosis, esherichiosis. Previously, for the control of the well-being of farms, a commercial PPD vaccine (pasteurellosis, paratyphoid, diplococcal infection) was used. Currently, the drug loses its protective capacity due to the proliferation of microorganisms in aetibic families with altered antigenic structure. To create a commercial drug of a new specimen, a number of studies have been carried out on its design and testing on a sensitive livestock. An experimental sample of an associated antigen proved to be quite competitive in immunological activity compared with commercial PPD vaccine. The protective activity of blood serum of animals after its application was 92 %, the level of T- and B-lymphocytes increased by 39.5 % and 22.7 %, respectively, the phagocytic activity in experimental group pigs increased by 7.1 % in comparison with the control (4.8 %). The survival of the pigs used by the experimental antigenic specimen in the groups after weaning was 99.5 % compared to the control group (75.4 %). Average daily gain of pigs the experimental group was at 592.4 ± 3.2 g, and at control – 412,4 ± 5,7 g.Документ Specific features of the illiac muscle of predatory birds(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Druz, N.V.; Zaloyilo, E.I.Interest in the occurrence of a bird's flight flew into the background the study of the adaptation of the pelvic fins of birds. It fully concerns both the skeletal elements and the muscular system of the femur leg. It should also be noted that the initial studies of this issue have shown extremely specific characteristics of the structural elements of the area of the hip joint. This in turn suggests that studies of the pelvic fins of birds are relevant and almost not studied. A paticulary important aspect of research of this issue is the establishment of valid principles and mechanism for the development of the femur of the thigh, taking into account the specific features of locomotion. In this article biomorphological features of the hip joint muscles of predantory birds (white–tailed eagle, common buzz, golden eagle, small hawk, merlin, winter path, andy condor, rhino owl, white owl, eary owl, tawny owl, barn owl) are outlined. It was established that the representatives of this series of degrees of differentation of muscles of the hip joint area due to the stepping type of the bipolar locomotion, as well as the biomorphological festures of the static, which in turn imposes certain imprints on the degree of development of each individual muscle of the hip joint. Also fix points are detailed, presence or absence of porosity is determined. In addition, in order to determine the degree of muscles and muscle groups development, each muscle was weighed. It was found that the extension of muscles of the hip joint of the white–tailed eagle requires considerably greater effort than bending, and of the golden eagle, big hawk, twist and the buzzard, on the contrary, the balge louding during static and locomotive fulls on the bend. Nightly and daytime predantory birds differ not only in the way of life (night or day),body weight ,but also in various manipulations of the limbs, in paticular during hunring for the prey, the force of the extremity during the attack and the method of capture by the claws imposing certain imprints on the development of hip joint bones.Документ The influence of allogeneic bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells on indicators of functional state of immune organs in mice C57BL/6(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Kladnytska, L.V.; Mazurkevych, A.I.; Velychko, S.V.; Kharkevych, Y.O.; Shelest, D.; Velychko, V.S.The studies were conducted on 2-3-months-old males of mice weighing 20-24 g. Оur work was to study the functional state of the organs of the immune system of C57Bl/6 mice after introduction of allogeneic MSCs of bone marrow origin. Obtaining and cultivating of MSCs were carried out in a sterile laminar box with compliance of conditions of asepsis and antiseptics. C57Bl/6 mice bone marrow aspirate cultured in a CO2 incubator at 37 оC and 5 % CO2 in DMEM with 10-15 % of fetal bovine serum, 1 % of antibiotic-antimycotic solution (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). The following groups of animals were formed: 1 group – intact (control group); 2 group - animals, to whom 0.5 ml of 0.9 % NaCl solution (placebo) were injected into the caudal vein; 3 group – animals, to whom 104 of allogeneic MSCs in 0.5 ml of phosphate buffer solution were injected into the caudal vein. The weight index, cellularity of thymus and spleen in C57Bl/6 mice investigated after the introduction of MSCs. The administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow origin affects on the central and peripheral organs of the immune system. Administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells cause a significant increase in the content of lymphoid cells in the thymus at 7 and 18 days by 72 and 39 %, respectively (p < 0.01, p < 0.05) compared to the control. Administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells cause a significant increase in the weight index of the spleen and its cellularity at the 7 and 18 days of the immune response by 26 and 17 %, respectively (p < 0.01, p <0.05) compared to the control. the weight index of the spleen and it cellularity a significant increase at the 7 and 18 days of the immune response by 26 and 17 %, respectively (p < 0.05) compared to the control after administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells.Документ The structure and topography of lymphoid tissue in immune formations of intestines in ducks(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2019) Mazurkevych, T.A.; Khomych, V.T.The aim of the study was to determine the structure and topography of lymphoid tissue in immune formations of the intestines (Peyer’s patches, Meckel’s diverticulum, apical diverticula) in the postnatal period of ducks’ ontogenesis. Established that lymphoid tissue in these organs located in the tunica mucosa and tunica muscularis of the intestines’ wall. From the one-day age of duck, the lymphoid tissue is found in the tunica mucosa of all studied structures and in the tunica muscularis of the apical diverticula, and in the tunica muscularis from 10–20-days of age in the location of Peyer’s patches and the Meckel’s diverticulum. Lymphoid tissue has three levels of structural organization. These are diffuse lymphoid tissue, primary lymphoid nodules and secondary lymphoid nodules. The presence of all levels of the structural organization of lymphoid tissue indicates its complete morphofunctional maturity. The complete morphofunctional maturity of the mucosal lymphoid tissue of Peyer's patches is reached on the 15 day of ducks’ age, the mucosal lymphoid tissue of the Meckel diverticulum on the 20-day of age, and in the apical diverticula on the 10- day of age. The complete morphofunctional maturity of the muscular lymphoid tissue of Peyer's patches is reached on the 15–25 days of ducks’ age, the muscular lymphoid tissue of the Meckel diverticulum on the 25-day of age, and in the apical diverticula on the 10-day of age. The present article provides the first time data summarizing the structure and topography of lymphoid tissue in the immune formations of the intestines, such as Peyer’s patches, Meckel’s diverticulum and apical diverticula of the Blahovarsky cross broiler ducks.Документ The use of the synthetic analogue of leucin-encephaline in complementary therapy of dogs with chronic pancreatitis(НУБіП України, 2020) Milastnaia, A.G.A review of the problem of treating dogs for pancreatitis with peptide drugs is presented. The main attentin is paid to the analysis of the use of somatostatin, octreotide and the synthetic analogue of leucine-enkephalin – dalargin. Despite numerous studies of the therapeutic effects of these agents for acute pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis in humane medicine, there is no definitive answer about their efficacy in dogs due to the lack of work performed in accordance with the criteria of evidence-based medicine. The use of dalargin in the complex therapy of dogs with chronic pancreatitis, eliminates or reduces pain and dyspeptic phenomena, contributes to the onset of positive changes at the same time a number of positive changes in the functional state of the pancreas manifested by decreased serum amylase activity 3 times, pancreatic lipase in the 1,9 times. Studies carried out on dogs, patients with chronic pancreatitis, it is determined that against the background of treatment of synthetic analogue Leukin-enkefaline – Dalagin. The intensity of pain decreased (up to 5 days in 90% of patients), decreased amylase and pancreatic lipase activity and TBK-active product (malonic dialdehyde, MDA) in their blood serum. Ultrasound showed data on the reduction of pancreatic edema, in 7 sick dogs, its sizes were restored to indicators in healthy animals.Документ Активність гаммаглутамілтранспептидази плазми крові курчат-бройлерів за сумісної дії охратоксину А і дезоксиніваленолу та після застосування сорбентів(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Бойко, Ю.В.; Духницький, В.Б.; Бойко, Г.В.Результати досліджень підтверджують, що за сумісної дії охратоксину А та дезоксиніваленолу у плазмі крові курчат-бройлерів спостерігається підвищення активності гамаглутамілтранспептидази (ГГТП), що свідчить про ураження гепатобіліарної системи. Застосування ентеросорбентів курчатам-бройлерам дослідних груп, зменшує токсичний вплив мікотоксинів на стан плазматичних мембран і сприяє стабілізації активності гамаглутамілтранспептидази.Документ Активність лужної фосфатази плазми крові курчат-бройлерів за сумісної дії охратоксину А і дезоксиніваленолу та після застосування сорбентів(ВЦ НУБіП України, 2018) Бойко, Ю.В.; Духницький, В.Б.; Бойко, Г.В.Результати досліджень підтверджують, що за сумісної дії охратоксину А та дезоксиніваленолу у плазмі крові курчат- бройлерів спостерігається значне підвищення активності лужної фосфатази. Як відомо, підвищення активності лужної фосфатази в плазмі крові пов’язане з її продукцією клітинами жовчних протоків, холестазом та порушенням виділення ензиму в жовч. У плазмі крові курчат-бройлерів дослідних груп, яким за змішаного мікотоксикозу застосовували ентеросорбенти, активність лужної фосфатази у всі періоди досліджень не відрізнялась від показника контрольної групи, але була вірогідно меншою від показника дослідної групи, якій згодовували лише корм з мікотоксинами. Застосування курчатам-бройлерам дослідних груп ентеросорбентів (Токсі-Ніл® Плюс Юніке – друга дослідна група, Mікофікс® Плюс 3.Е – третя дослідна група, березове активоване вугілля – четверта дослідна група) зменшує токсичний вплив охратоксину А та дезоксиніваленолу, що підтверджується нормалізацією активності досліджуваного ферментуДокумент Активність сукцинатдегідрогенази мітохондрій печінки тварин-реципієнтів за впливу алогенних мезенхімальних стовбурових клітин(НУБіП України, 2019) Кладницька, Л.В.; Мазуркевич, А.Й.; Томчук, В.А.; Гарманчук, Л.В.; Малюк, М.О.; Калачнюк, Л.Г.; Величко, С.В.; Лозова, О.Л.; Данілов, В.Б.; Харкевич, Ю.О.; Ткаченко, Т.А.; Бокотько, Р.Р.; Шелест, Д.А.Дослідження проводили на самцях мишей C57BL/6 віком 2-3 місяці. Отримання алогенних мезенхімальних стовбурових клітин ( МСК) культури жирової тканини і кісткового мозку проводили за стерильних умов у боксі біо- логічної безпеки 2-го класу. Культури клітин культивували в СО2 інкубаторі за температури 37 °С, 5 % СО2 у середовищі DMEM з додаванням 10-15 % фетальної бичачої сироватки, 1 % антибіотика-антимікотика (Sigma-Aldrich, США). Сформовані наступні групи тварин: 1 група - інтактні (контрольні) тварини; 2 група– тварини, яким уводили 0,5 мл 0,89 % розчину NaCl (плацебо); 3 група – тварини, яким уводили 104 алогенних МСК культури жирової тканини в 0,5 мл фосфатного буферного розчину, 4 група – тварини, яким уводили 104 алогенних МСК культури кісткового мозку в 0,5 мл фосфатного буферного розчину. На 12-ту добу після трансплантації МСК у тварин сформованих груп визначали активність сукцина- тдегідрогенази в мітохондріях печінки. Визначення активності ферменту проводили у відповідності зі способом, принципом якого є відновлення феррицианида калію (K3[Fe(CN)6]) до фероциани- да калію (K4[Fe(CN)6]) сукцинатом із залученням сукцинатдегідрогенази. Активність визначали за обсягом відновленого феррицианида. Статистичну обробку результатів проводили з використанням програмного забезпечення "Origin 6.1" та t-критерію Стьюдента. Всі дані представлені у вигляді середніх арифметичних і стандартних відхилень. Встановлено, що на 12-ту добу дослідження активність сукцинатдегідрогенази у третій дослідній групі становила 57,7 ± 1,6 ммоль / л K3[Fe(CN)6] / мг*хв (р < 0,001), що було достовірно вище, ніж у тварин першої та другої груп – 45,9 ± 0,7 і 43,3 ± 1,2 ммоль / л K3[Fe(CN)6] / мг*хв відповідно. Активність ферменту у тварин першими двома групами і становила 53,3 ± 1,4 ммоль/л K3[Fe(CN)6]/мг*хв (р < 0,01). Слід зазначити, що активність мітохондріальної сукцинатдегідрогенази в печінці тварин-реципієнтів після трансплантації МСК культури жирової тканини достовірно вища, ніж після трансплантації МСК культури кісткового мозку (р < 0,05). Таким чином, було визначено достовірне підвищення активності мітохондрі- альної сукцинатдегідрогенази в печінці тварин-реципієнтів після трансплантації алогенних мезенхімальних стовбурових клітин з культури жирової тканини і кісткового мозку.