Adamovych O.V.Piddubnyi O.Y.2024-11-252024Liquidation of legal entities in Ukrainian civil law : monograph / O. V. Adamovych, O. Y. Piddubnyi. - Ostrava : Tuculart Edition (Tuculart s.r.o.), 2024. - 195 p.978-80-88474-29-6 for publication by the Academic Council of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of UkraineThe monograph presents author's approach to the study of the liquidation procedure of legal entities through the prism of theoretical, legal and methodological foundations of the study, as well as the specifics of certain types of liquidation of legal entities, which allowed authors to develop and substantiate the specifics of liquidation of a legal entity by decision of its participants, the court and in a special liquidation procedure - as a result of declaring it bankrupt. For teachers, postgraduate students, students, researchers, judges, attorneys and lawyers.enправоцивільне праволіквідаціяособаюридична особаrightCivil lawliquidationpersonlegal entityLiquidation of legal entities in Ukrainian civil lawMonograpf