Holembovska N.V.Kryzhova Y.P.Bal-Prylypko L.V.Slobodyanyuk N.M.Israelіan V.M.Rozhkov Yu.GAndroschuk O.S.Dorozhko V.V.2024-12-022024Sensory analysis : basic textbook / N. V. Holembovska [et al.]. - К. : NULES of Ukraine, 2024. - 325 p.https://dglib.nubip.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15080Recommended for publication by the decision of the academic council of the National University of Life and Environmental sciences of Ukraine.The textbook's content corresponds to the curriculum of the discipline "Sensory analysis". The textbook will be helpful to students, postgraduates and teachers of higher education institutions.enSensory analysisanalysiscенсорний аналізаналізSensory analysisStudyGuide