Тези конференцій - 2023

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  • Документ
    Управління земельними ресурсами в умовах децентралізації
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Йотка Б.М.; Прокопенко Н.І.
    The management of land resources of the territorial community plays an important role in the reform of local self-government and implementation of decentralization in Ukraine. In view of this, it is important to effectively manage land resources through systematic state regulation of this area. In addition, the management of land resources of the territorial community is the main problem of the land reform, which has not yet been finally resolved in the state administration. At the current stage, the reform of this sphere requires radical changes, namely in the management of land resources.
  • Документ
    Інтереси держави, територіальних громад, підприємницьких структур та громадян у процесі управління земельними ресурсами
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Ясінецька І.А.; Кушнірук Т.М.
    The change of socio-economic relations in the state is always connected with the land as a spatial base and a means of production. Land relations have gone through a long path of transformation in Ukraine. The satisfaction of citizens' needs can only be facilitated by an effective government that carries out reasonable management based on powers, resources and responsibilities. This requires an optimal distribution of powers between the levels of power and the amount of resources that will correspond to the powers. But in turn, the government must answer to the people for efficiency, and to the state for legality. Only by having a balance of authority, resources and responsibility can one have effective power. It has been proven that the multidirectionality of the interests of business, citizens and the state in matters of agricultural land use is one of the main obstacles on the way to achieving sustainable land use.
  • Документ
    Напрями розвитку земельного кадастру та оцінки земель
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Яримчук В.С.; Бутенко Є.В.
    Land cadastre and land valuation play an important role in any country. The described development directions for land cadastre and land valuation are aimed at creating an effective and transparent land management system that will promote sustainable development and ensure the protection of land ownership rights.
  • Документ
    Організаційно-економічний механізм сталого просторового лісогосподарського землегосподарювння: теоретико-методологічний аспект
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Ярова І.Є.
    The overall goal of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the transformation of sustainable spatial forestry land management as a component of the integrated economic mechanism of environmental management is the effective organization of reproductive processes in the field of use, reproduction, protection and conservation of forest resource potential and the functioning of territorial forestry capital based on an ecosystem approach to transformation processes in the forest resource sector. The realization of the overall goal is associated with the implementation of tasks at different hierarchical levels of ecosystem and sustainable forest management.
  • Документ
    Soil quality in the current EU policies
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Wieliczko B.
    Since the announcement of the European Green Deal, the EU policies have been increasing their environmental ambitions and introducing policy measures and standards that are supposed to support the EU in the efforts to reach zero-net emissions, protection of biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Soil health issues are among these efforts. The paper briefly presents the current policies (already in place and in the discussion process) focusing on the soil quality. The study shows that there is no common agreement on following the path determined by the European Commission, thus achieving the environmental goals can be hindered.
  • Документ
    Рекультивація порушених земель в Україні
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Вишневський Д.С.; Малимон. С.С.
    Reclamation of disturbed lands affected by war is an extremely important task in terms of restoring ecological balance and improving the quality of life of people living in these regions. Armed conflicts can lead to serious environmental pollution, destruction of infrastructure and disruption of natural ecosystems. Military operations can lead to the loss of topsoil, chemical contamination, and destruction of natural vegetation. To restore the soil, fertilization and microbial inoculation methods can be used to help restore its fertility.
  • Документ
    Сучасний стан меліорації земель в Україні
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Вишневський Д.С.; Кушнірук О.М.
    In order to solve problems and achieve optimal results in the field of land reclamation in Ukraine, it is necessary to increase funding for this area, introduce the latest technologies and ensure the modernization of existing reclamation systems. It is also important to improve the governance system and promote the involvement of the private sector for joint efforts to achieve sustainable and efficient use of Ukraine's land resources.
  • Документ
    Еко-індустріальні парки як механізм покращення сталого землекористування
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Волонтир А.В.
    Industrial parks are areas created specifically for industrial development. Their advantages include convenient logistics, networks, engineering and transport infrastructure, raw materials, necessary services and labor. Such ecosystems unite the interests of businesses and manufacturers, countries and local communities. The environmental benefits of eco-industrial parks are very diverse, including reducing pollution and gas emissions through the rational use of resources and efficient waste management based on the principles of the circular economy.
  • Документ
    Реквізиції земельних ділянок в умовах воєнного часу
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Водянко С.І.
    Requisition is a compulsory paid alienation of property by the state from the owner in extraordinary circumstances on the basis and in accordance with the procedure established by law, subject to prior and full compensation of its value or without it.
  • Документ
    Управління витратами виробництва сільськогосподарської продукції в умовах забезпечення продовольчої безпеки
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Вакуленко В.Л.; Мялковський В.А.
    Continued attention to modern agricultural technologies, development of market relations in agriculture, support for farmers and the attractiveness of rural life have become important components of an effective food security system. However, in order to achieve full food security, it is necessary to balance the development of the agricultural sector and implement state strategies in this direction.
  • Документ
    Управління виробничими процесами сільськогосподарських підприємств з використанням блокчейн технологій в умовах забезпечення продовольчої безпеки
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Вакуленко В.Л.; Сметан Д.С.
    The use of blockchain technologies in agriculture to manage production processes can play a significant role in ensuring food security. Blockchain technology can be used to create a continuous and reliable food supply chain, as well as to track and control the various stages of production, transportation and delivery of food.
  • Документ
    Застосування фотограмметрії для цілей агромоніторингу
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Уманчик І.О.; Бутенко Є.В.
    This paper provides a comprehensive insight into the application of photogrammetry in agricultural monitoring. It highlights the growing significance of drones in agriculture, showcasing their advantages in terms of data accuracy and accessibility. The article emphasizes their pivotal role in crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and early detection of crop issues. Furthermore, it discusses the critical use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for assessing crop health. The increasing demand for food production, technological advancements, and the benefits of drone technology in agriculture underscore the paper's emphasis on the promising future of drone applications in agriculture.
  • Документ
    Розвиток сталого (збалансованого) землекористування на засадах новітнього землевпорядкування
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Третяк А.М.; Третяк В.М.
    The need for the formation of sustainable land use on the basis of the development of the "newest land planing", which is based on territorial and spatial organization, is discussed.
  • Документ
    Формування стратегічних пріоритетів cталого сільськогосподарського землекористування на загальнодержавному рівні
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Сидорук Б.О.; Сидорук Г.П.
    Today, there is a need to develop new approaches to the formation and implementation of state policy in the direction of ensuring sustainable agricultural land use. The author has developed proposals for the formation of strategic priorities in the way of ensuring the use of agricultural land on the basis of sustainable development. The importance of supporting public initiatives at the local level to ensure the balanced use of agricultural land has been established. Recommendations aimed at improving state policy to ensure sustainable agricultural land use have been formulated.
  • Документ
    Економічна доцільність лісовідновлення в умовах воєнного стану
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Степчук Я.А.
    The article examines the possibility of forest restoration in the context of military conflicts and emphasizes the importance of such restoration for nature conservation and sustainable economic development. The difficulties and risks associated with reforestation under martial law are highlighted, as well as the expediency and benefits of this process for nature, society, and the economy are discussed.
  • Документ
    Меліорація та види меліорації земель
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Степанчук О.С.
    The choice of the type of land reclamation depends on the natural and economic conditions of the territory; as a rule, a set of reclamation measures is applied. Depending on the direction of the land reclamation measures, the following main types of land reclamation are defined: hydrotechnical, cultural, chemical, agrotechnical, agroforestry.
  • Документ
    Regarding the method of determining the environmental danger coefficient of agricultural land use in the territorial community
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Sopov D.S.; Sopova N.V.; Mokierova N.V.
    Rational use of the land fund requires a thorough analysis and assessment of the land use structure. Based on this analysis, the state and factors of land use structure formation are assessed, which is the basis for developing strategic ways to optimize land use, taking into account the environmental consequences. It is quite obvious that the factors of natural and anthropogenic pressure on land, and thus the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its environmental consequences, cannot be summarized as unambiguous and equivalent, since they are not always interconnected and interdependent. Hence, there is a need to determine an integral indicator of the hazard of agricultural land use for a territorial community.
  • Документ
    Моніторинг у сфері землекористування
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Щербак О.О.; Прокопенко Н.І.
    The text discusses the importance of maintaining a state land cadastre in Ukraine for the purpose of controlling land use and protection, land assessment, and monitoring their condition. The cadastral record provides information about each land plot, including characteristics and monetary valuation. Specifically, two types of land assessment are considered: normative and expert monetary assessment. The text also emphasizes the significance of land monitoring for timely identification and assessment of changes in land conditions and the need to establish an effective national land and soil monitoring system.
  • Документ
    Принципи формування доступного життєвого простору в «зеленому» будівництві
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Шаталова Ж.О.
    Modern realities show that as a result of human activity, it is possible to create a new natural environment that has high comfort indicators for urban planning. At the same time, this natural environment can be an energy source for the life support systems of buildings. The basic principles of creating an accessible living space that would have a high level of comfort are a priority for "green" construction. Ecological construction is an important component of the concept of "sustainable development". This concept is characterized by a certain model of development of modern society. The main task of this model is to meet the needs of the existing generation in full to satisfy personal needs. The main component of the design of modern buildings is the understanding that a person's comfortable stay at home, at the workplace and in public places directly depends on the quality of the environment.
  • Документ
    Системні підходи до кластерного землевпорядного розвитку сільських територій в умовах війни
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ НУБіП України, 2023) Шарий Г.І.; Карюк А.М.
    The work analyzes historically formed organizational-spatial and sectoral structures of cluster type both in the countries all over the world and in Ukraine. Multi-system structure of the cluster, systematic formation and understanding of rural areas cluster development are determined. It has been studied that organizations system approaches and clusters activities form self-sufficient connections for optimization and minimization of transaction costs, transport and communication advantages and integrations with the aim of association synergistic competitiveness. Special importance of clusters not only for production and infrastructure, but also for agriculture, rural and bordering areas was determined.