Управління витратами компанії Inditex
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Inditex, a global leader in the fashion retail sector, has garnered significant attention
with its creative business strategy and outstanding financial results. This bachelor's
project aims to offer valuable insights into the operational efficiency and financial
stability of Inditex, S.A., by examining the nuances of the company's profitability
Important information about Inditex's financial performance and strategic
positioning in the global retail industry can be obtained from a comparative study of
the company's profitability trends from the fiscal years 2020 to 2023.
A crucial aspect of financial management is profitability analysis, which sheds light
on the efficiency, performance, and strategic positioning of a company. This
bachelor's thesis explores the significance, techniques, and theoretical foundations
of profitability analysis with a specific focus on the case of Inditex, S.A., a major
player in the global fashion and retail industry.
The theoretical part of the review provides a thorough understanding of profitability
indicators and cost analysis. Cost analysis examines all company expenses, such as
operating expenses, cost of goods sold, net sales, marginal costs, and absorption
costs. Key indicators like gross profit margin, net profit margin, return on equity
(ROE), contribution margin, return on assets (ROA), and return on investment (ROI)
are also presented in the profitability analysis. The importance of profitability
analysis in strategic decision-making, performance evaluation, and investor
confidence in the business environment is highlighted in this section.
This thesis aims to clarify the dynamics of Inditex's profitability through an in-depth
examination of its financial performance. The study looks at key financial indicators and measures to provide insights into the company's competitive advantage,
operational efficiency, and potential for creating long-term value.
The methodology used to analyze Inditex's profitability is described in the
methodological section. It explains the procedures and tools used to gather data,
including annual reports and financial statements. Additionally, it provides a
rationale for the chosen methodology and clarifies its significance for the analysis,
ensuring thorough and meaningful research. An extensive overview of Inditex's
financial performance is provided in the results section, which begins with a
company profile and a list of selected accounting policies. An in-depth analysis of
income statements, balance sheets, and key financial indicators is included, offering
insights into intangible assets, equity, net sales, gross profit, operating expenses, and
net profit. Based on parameters such as gross profit margin, net profit margin, gross
operating profit (EBITDA) and EBITDA margin, net operating profit (EBIT) and
EBIT margin, contribution margin, ROA, ROE, and ROI, the profitability analysis
assesses Inditex's performance and provides meaningful information about the
company's financial condition and profitability.
The paper provides thorough summaries of the company's financial performance and
strategic approach across several sections. The company profile, which describes its
chosen accounting policies, comes first. Next, we examine the balance sheet, which
includes information on equity, long-term liabilities, short-term liabilities, total
assets, and intangible assets. Important financial indicators are highlighted to
understand the company's financial stability.
In the income statement section, net sales, cost of goods sold, gross profit, operating
expenses, profit, amortization, depreciation, financial results, profit before tax,
income tax, and net profit are covered in detail. This detailed breakdown allows for a comprehensive understanding of the company's revenue sources, costs, and
profitability drivers.
Overall, this bachelor's thesis contributes to the understanding of profitability
analysis within the fashion and retail industry by providing detailed information on
Inditex's strategic focus and financial management methods. The aim is to provide
stakeholders with valuable information for informed decision-making and strategic
planning through a thorough analysis of financial data and performance indicators
Ключові слова
управління, витрати, управління витратами, компанія, management, costs, cost management, company, kosten, kostenmanagement, unternehmen
Бібліографічний опис
Даценко М.О. Управління витратами компанії Inditex = Cost management of the company "Inditex, S.A." : дипломна робота ... бакалавра : 073 «Менеджмент» / Даценко М.О. - Київ, 2024. - 58 с.