Наукові журнали та збірники видань
Постійне посилання на розділhttps://dglib.nubip.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5
2 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ The use of the synthetic analogue of leucin-encephaline in complementary therapy of dogs with chronic pancreatitis(НУБіП України, 2020) Milastnaia A.G.A review of the problem of treating dogs for pancreatitis with peptide drugs is presented. The main attentin is paid to the analysis of the use of somatostatin, octreotide and the synthetic analogue of leucine-enkephalin – dalargin. Despite numerous studies of the therapeutic effects of these agents for acute pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis in humane medicine, there is no definitive answer about their efficacy in dogs due to the lack of work performed in accordance with the criteria of evidence-based medicine. The use of dalargin in the complex therapy of dogs with chronic pancreatitis, eliminates or reduces pain and dyspeptic phenomena, contributes to the onset of positive changes at the same time a number of positive changes in the functional state of the pancreas manifested by decreased serum amylase activity 3 times, pancreatic lipase in the 1,9 times. Studies carried out on dogs, patients with chronic pancreatitis, it is determined that against the background of treatment of synthetic analogue Leukin-enkefaline – Dalagin. The intensity of pain decreased (up to 5 days in 90% of patients), decreased amylase and pancreatic lipase activity and TBK-active product (malonic dialdehyde, MDA) in their blood serum. Ultrasound showed data on the reduction of pancreatic edema, in 7 sick dogs, its sizes were restored to indicators in healthy animals.Документ Prevalence of pancreatic pathology in dog(НУБіП України, 2019) Milastnaia A.G.; Dukhnytskyi V.B.The article presents the results of the study of the prevalence of pancreatic diseases among dogs in Kyiv. Was studied the history disease of 5075 dogs showed that more than 90 % of the cases of non-infectious etiology are. It has been established that diseases of the digestive system in general make up 20,3 % of the total non-infectious pathology and occupy the third place in the frequency of occurrence after diseases of the skin and the cardiovascular system. It is determined that among the diseases of the digestive system in dogs the most frequent occurrence of intestinal diseases – 31, 5 %); the second place is occupied by diseases of the pancreas – 28, 6 %; in third place were liver and gall bladder diseases, which were diagnosed in 27,5 %. A total of 10,3 % animals had gastric diseases and 2,1 % had esophageal diseases. Among them, the main place belongs to the inflammatory disease of the pancreas of inflammatory genesis, which make up 28,6 among pathologies of the digestive system and 94,6 % among pancreatic pathologies in general. Thus, inflammation of the pancreas in dogs is 94,6 % of the total number of pathologies of this organ. Analyzing the above, it can be argued that every 17 animals in Kyiv suffer from pancreatitis. Given the lack of objective diagnostic criteria for pancreatitis in dogs, the difficulty in verifying the diagnosis and frequent pancreatitis, together with related diseases, can be assumed that the data obtained are underestimated.