Methodical recommendations for independent preparation for seminars classes in the discipline “Business Law”



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Methodical recommendations for independent preparation for classes in the discipline “Business Law” are developed in accordance with the content and structure of the working curriculum in the discipline “Business Law” and will help students to gain comprehensive knowledge of the legal procedure for organizing and conducting business; be able to prepare documents necessary for state registration of the creation, reorganization and termination of business entities; contracts used in business activities; learn to independently.


Reviewed and approved for publication at the meeting of the Department of Civil and Commercial Law. Reviewed and approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law.

Ключові слова

Law, Business Law, право, господарське право, rechts, Handelsrecht

Бібліографічний опис

Methodical recommendations for independent preparation for seminars classes in the discipline “Business Law” : for students of the Faculty of Economics of the Bachelor's degree in the 4th year of study in the specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” for full-time students” / comp. O. Y. Piddubnyi [et al.]. - К. : , 2024. - 254 p.



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