Anamnestic, clinical and pathomorphological characteristics of malignant mammary tumors and dysplasia in dogs
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НУБіП України
Parameters of 37 canine mammary malignant tumors and 13 dysplasia
were compared. The age of an animal at the time of treatment in veterinary clinic, the
age of the first factors of neoplasm, the number of births during life and the period of the
last one, feeding nature, pseudo pregnancy and lactaton cases, the number and locaton
of affected mammary gland, neoplasm macro characteristcs were considered. The size
of the leter was determined with a view to three factors, the occurrence of capsules in
neoplasms was ranked in points. The intensity of lactaton malfuncton was determined
under the same method.
Canine mammary dysplasia was examined at an earlier age than malignant tumors.
This is partly due to the earlier onset than in the case of malignant tumors. At the same
tme, period between cancer discovery and treatment in the later case was much
shorter. It may state faster growth of tumors in case of malignancy than in mammary
dysplasia. A significant difference in neoplasms size - malignant tumor and dysplasia
is the proof thereof.Study of the influence of the number of births in the occurrence of
different mammary neoplasms showed that dogs with dysplasia gave birth twice as
less than those with diagnosed malignant tumors. The period between the last birth
and identficaton of factors of disease for both groups of animals was the same. There
was no significant difference also in the frequency of cases with lactaton malfuncton in
dogs with mammary malignant tumors and dysplasia. Groups of animals with mammary
malignant tumors and dysplasia differed on such characteristcs as frequency of tumors
with full, partal or no capsule, and the average number of mammary gland affected and
their localizaton.
Ключові слова
veterinary oncology, mammary tumors, malignant tumors, mammary dysplasia, dogs, собаки
Бібліографічний опис
Anamnestic, clinical and pathomorphological characteristics of malignant mammary tumors and dysplasia in dogs / N.I. Mykhalenko, E.O. Kmitevych // Український часопис ветеринарних наук. – К. : НУБіП України, 2019. - Том 10, № 3. – С. 50 - 55