Формування пропозиції на ринку агропродовольчої продукції України




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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук за спеціальністю 08.00.03 – економіка та управління національним господарством. – Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, Київ, 2015. Дисертація присвячена розкриттю теоретичних, методологічних та практичних аспектів формування пропозиції на ринку агропродовольчої продукції України. Уточнено сутність поняття «ринок агропродовольчої продукції» та охарактеризовано чинники, які впливають на формування пропозиції на ринку агропродовольчої продукції. Запропоновано зміни в наукове тлумачення змісту терміну «пропозиція» з методологічним виділенням її складових на очікувану, приховану та зв’язану. Обґрунтовано підходи до формування пропозиції за групами агропродоволь- чої продукції з врахуванням комплементарності та субституційності. Сформовано методичні підходи для дослідження специфіки зміни пропозиції в залежності від регіональних особливостей та сезонності виробництва. Розроблено трирівневий інституціональний підхід впливу на формування пропозиції на ринку агропродовольчої продукції України. Розкрито тенденції формування пропозиції зовнішнього сегменту ринку агро- продовольчої продукції через оцінку концентрації та спеціалізації вітчизняного виробництва. Розроблено методичні підходи до оцінки конкурентоспроможності через застосування критерію щільності торгівлі та визначено критерії формування необхідних обсягів продовольчих запасів з урахуванням прогнозу пропозиції майбутніх періодів


Dissertation for scientific degree of Doctor of Science in Economics, specialty 08.00.03 – economy and national agriculture management. – The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2015. This dissertation is devoted to scientific research of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of developing a supply on the agricultural market of Ukraine. Based on studies of the current economic trends and theories noted that supply as an economic category, there is an important part of the research cause-effect relationships in macroeconomics, market power and regulation, especially by providing regulatory impact. As described, the lack of balance in the internal agri-food market, does not always lead to a redistribution of consumer and producer’s income. Thus, for countries that are netexporters, there are favorable conditions in terms of global external market segment and in case it offers incentives foreign market, which reveal through increasing the volume of exports and brings the growth of social welfare. Sense of “agricultural market” term has been specified based on analysis of literature sources. Agricultural market is considered as a system aimed to meet all participants’ interests as well as the overall country’s needs in food supplies. This may be achieved by correlation of demand and supply. The above-mentioned interests of market participants may have different nature and consist of a number of financial, organizational and legal, economic, and social needs on both micro- and macroeconomic level. We have defined that agricultural market development and functioning is basically interaction of reliable factors, features and processes in production, distribution, exchange and consumption of food supplies. We have proposed a classification of factors that influence development of proposal based on price classification. In the dissertation, we have suggested break the proposition into expected, hidden and bundled. Expected supply means aggregated goods present in the market in general. Hidden supply foresees goods present in the market, but their production sources are unknown. When we talk about bundled supply, we mean aggregated goods oriented for export, but at the same time present in the domestic market and therefore have no influence on long-term price forming processes in the domestic market. Taken specifics of agricultural produce we have defined that both substitute and complementary goods are important for demand and supply. Increase of price for specific goods leads to demand increase for the substitute goods, and decrease of demand for complementary goods. Considering substitution and complementary characteristics of specific produce, we suggest break supply into five main agricultural groups: grains, protein group, vegetable, fruit, milk, and dairy products. We have specified clear timeframe differences between animal husbandry and plant growing produce. Supply for crop production tends to increase during the harvest, due to technological features of production. The meat supply indicates the dependence of production on the provision of affordable foods, however, seasonality is not as clearly evident. Least depends on the seasonality of production and acts stable source of working capital for dairy farms. We have proved that in addition to evaluation of supply in course of time, it is necessary to study the supply based on production aims, position, logistics and infrastructure. We have studied the national agricultural production from its position point. As a result, we have defined two relative zones: export zone – the regional close to port elevators, where all the strategic reserves are concentrated; and internal consumption zone – consumption of produce for animal husbandry needs and processing. Because of the research, we have developed a three-level institutional model for regulation of supply in the agricultural market. We have defined that the state regulation institutions should be distributed into forming, regulating and ensuring food security institutions. The forming institutions ensure storage of agricultural produce, conversion it into goods items, and also distribution between internal and external agricultural market segments. Regulating institutions ensure all necessary reserves and provisions, as well as undertake the necessary interventions of market price. Institutions ensuring food security carry out control and stimulating function, ensuring supply quality and security along with price parity. These institutions also need to suggest financial solutions to stimulate additional supply on internal and external market segments. This dissertation suggests a methodological approach to evaluate concentration of production and regional specialization. Because of the research, such an approach allows using competitive strengths to the maximum point, and helps national producers get leading positions on the world agricultural market. In order to balance the supply in the domestic and international segments of agrifood products in Ukraine analyzes the state of food security of the world. It was also defined the level of import dependence for the domestic market. Based on the calculation of regional specialization, features of location and climate, national and cultural specific features, fixed that Ukraine has certain advantages and can claim their own place in the European and global markets agri-food products. The main competitors for Ukraine at the European market, especially in the emerging EU-Ukraine FTA remain neighboring countries. On the example of Eastern Europe can be seen that the integration of the European Economic Area a chance to reduce the dependence on agriculture and a reorientation towards the food processing industry. In the research analyzed density level of agricultural trade inside EU to estimate trade perspectives for Ukraine. Because of calculations, a modal and correlation matrix that helped to estimate density of trade ties in separate groups of countries and relevancy of the received results were developed. We have defined that even inside the general market with general monetary and trade policy one of the most important factors is geographical location of trading countries, proximity of markets, and historical integration aspect. Proposed main evaluation criteria to optimize forming of the state food reserves. We also defined requirements that have fundamental importance for objective criterion to evaluate state food reserves. In particular, increase of state food security by increase of state reserves that in its turn leads to increased budget expenses; and forming additional supply due to import in case of deficit of separate goods in the market. Additional social expenses for import consist of both import volume and price differences between internal and world markets

Ключові слова

пропозиція, ринок, продукція, ринок агропродовольчої продукції, сільське господарство, споживач, ціна, конкурентоспроможність

Бібліографічний опис

Формування пропозиції на ринку агропродовольчої продукції України: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора економіч. наук: 08.00.03 - економіка та управління національним господарством / О. В. Жемойда ; Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України. - К., 2015. - 42 с



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