Робастно-оптимальні системи управління складними технологічними об'єктами харчової промисловості




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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук зі спеціальності 05.13.07 «Автоматизація процесів керування». Національний університет біоресурсів та природокористування України. Київ, 2021. За результатами дисертаційного дослідження, а також комплексу науково- дослідних та прикладних робіт за тематикою дисертації запропоновано вирішення науково-технічної проблеми, що полягає в розробленні та впровадженні робастно-оптимальних систем керування для технологічних об’єктів харчової промисловості, що функціонують в умовах невизначеності, та створенні науково-методологічних основ їх застосування та проєктування для забезпечення підвищення енерго-, ресурсоефективності та якості виробництва. Висунута проблема вирішується шляхом формування онтологічної моделі предметної області, що містить онтологію об’єктів, задач та процесів, на основі якої формується метод розроблення та моніторингу системи керування технологічним об’єктом харчової промисловості, що функціонує в умовах невизначеності


Based on the results of the dissertation research, as well as a set of research and applied works on the topic of the thesis, there is proposed a solution to the scientific and technical problem which consists in the development and implementation of robust control systems for technological objects of food industry in conditions of uncertainty. In addition, there are created scientific and methodological foundations for their application designed to improve energy and resource efficiency, and quality of production. The systematization of existing methods of robust stability, robust optimal methods, as well as methods of control system synthesis for objects with uncertainties is carried out. Problems that complicate the use of robust methods for complex technological objects of food industry are identified. An ontological system model for the subject domain of the research, which consists of an ontology of objects, an ontology of processes and an ontology of tasks, is developed. The ontology of objects consists of entities and is interrelated with the ontology of tasks whose main task is to develop the control system of technological objects for food industry and to monitor its reproducibility. The ontology of processes is formulated according to the control system life cycle. It includes the formation of system requirements, the process of identification of the technological object mathematical model with the definition of uncertainty, the formation of many structures and methods for the development of the control system of technological objects for food industry, system testing, selection, monitoring of the control system reproducibility and timely reconfiguration of the system. A generalized approach to the identification of mathematical models of technological objects for food industry with the correction of nominal values of parameters and additional definition of the region of uncertainty is offered. There have been synthesized numerous robust control systems for technological objects of food industry, in particular for the following facilities: heat exchangers, diffusion and evaporation units, pasteurizers and distillation units. The conditions of their use have been analyzed as well. As a part of the combination of robust and traditional methods for process control, control systems have been developed and tested for the objects with delays, with the solution of cross-channels, as well as robust adaptive control systems for technological objects of food industry. Improvement of the quality of transients for the proposed approaches in the nominal mode, as well as preservation of robust properties in the region of uncertainty have been proved. The classification of the control system for technological objects of food industry operating in conditions of uncertainty has been out. Special attention has been paid to some classification features, in particular to the features of maintenance, mathematical model and structure of the control system. On the basis of the conducted classification for the task of the process control development, there have formulated some rules which form a basis of axioms of the applied ontology. Attributes of system requirements classes, technological object of food industry and the mathematical model for object have been used for the creation of the applied ontology that forms a set of the process control structures, methods and criteria. The applied ontology has been tested on test objects, and approaches to its use have been offered. For the monitoring task, quantitative estimates of the reproducibility of the control system for technological objects of food industry are proposed. Based on these estimates, it is possible not only to assess the degree of aging of the structure and the control system parameters of the system, but also to make a conclusion concerning the redevelopment of the system. There has been performed estimation of the reproducibility, carried out on a neural network that calculates a series of values of adjustable and control variables. Based on the proposed method of effective design and monitoring of the control system for technological objects of food industry, which consists of the proposed solutions, a decision support system that automatically develops and monitors the control system for technological objects of food industry reproducibility has been created. Several architectures for the implementation of the decision support system and its individual components have been proposed. The probability of the developed method and the possibility of its implementation in the food industry have been defined on the basis of consistent and correct use of the proposed ontological system and algorithmic software. Their adequacy is confirmed by the corresponding calculations and acts of implementation

Ключові слова

система керування, управління, технологічний об’єкт, робастний регулятор, онтологія, математична модель, предметна область, система підтримки прийняття рішень

Бібліографічний опис

Робастно-оптимальні системи управління складними технологічними об'єктами харчової промисловості: автор. дис. ... доктора технічних наук: 05.13.07 "Автоматизація процесів керування" (технічні науки) / Н.М. Луцька ; Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України. - Київ, 2021. - 39 с
