Динаміка росту та продуктивність соснових насаджень Чорнобильської зони відчуження
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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільсько-господарських наук зі спеціальності 06.03.02 «Лісовпорядкування та лісова таксація». Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України. Київ, 2021.
Дисертацію присвячено дослідженню особливостей росту, біопродуктивності та вуглецедепонувальної функції соснових деревостанів Чорнобильської зони відчуження, що слугуватиме інформаційним інструментарієм ведення ефективного лісового господарства на радіаційно забруднених територіях.
У результаті виконання дисертаційного дослідження здійснено аналіз характеристики соснових деревостанів досліджуваного регіону, зібрано дослідні дані для оцінювання ходу росту і структури фітомаси.
Розроблено систему моделей динаміки таксаційних показників та комплекс таблиць ходу росту на типологічній основі, які відображають особливості росту сосняків у таких типах лісу, як сухий сосновий бір, свіжий сосновий бір, свіжий дубово-сосновий субір, вологий дубово-сосновий субір та вологий грабово-дубово-сосновий сугруд. Запропоновано нормативно-інформаційне забезпечення для оцінювання біопродуктивності та вуглецедепонувальної здатності соснових деревостанів та встановлено обсяг фітомаси соснових насаджень регіону на рівні 15 млн т. Щорічний обсяг депонованого сосновими деревостанами вуглецю становить близько 400 тис. т, або в середньому близько 460 г С∙(м2)-1.
Здійснено оцінку екологічно безпечного енергетичного потенціалу деревної біомаси лісів досліджуваного регіону з урахуванням дотримання норм забруднення радіонуклідами
Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in specialty 06.03.02 «Forest Inventory and Forest Mensuration». National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2021.
The thesis is devoted to the study of peculiarities of growth, bioproductivity and carbon-sequestering function of Scots pine stands of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, which will serve as an information toolbox for effective forest management in contaminated areas and for introduction of mechanisms for low-carbon development in forest management aimed at climate change mitigation.
The solution of the mentioned problems is quite relevant for the studied region. As a result of a complex of negative factors caused by global climate change, forest stands in the Exclusion Zone are characterized by significant vulnerability, accompanied by dieback of trees and accumulation of significant amounts of forest biomass, which can pose significant threats in the event of a large-scale forest fire.
The analysis of the characteristics of Scots pine stands of the studied region, based on information from the relational database «Stand-level biometric characteristics of forests», provided for research by IA «Ukrderzhlisproekt», has shown that Scots pine is the dominant forest species by distribution, with a share of 60.2 % or 85.8 thousand hectares. The Chornobyl Exclusion Zone is dominated by artificially planted Scots pine stands, whose share is 51.9 %.
Within the research of pine stands in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, it has been found that in the study region, pine stands grow mainly in fresh infertile and fairly infertile sites, as well as in wet fairly infertile sites and dry infertile sites. In general, almost 68 % of pine stands are concentrated in the region's fairly infertile sites. At the same time, the region is dominated by high-yielding pine stands, the area of which for I and higher site index classes exceeds 55 thousand hectares, or 66.7 %, and the share of medium-stocked pine stands with relative stocking of 0.8 and 0.7 is 35.1 % and 26.8 %, respectively.
To study bioproductivity and carbon-sequestering capacity of pine stands, we used data from 18 temporary sample plots (TSPs) taken from the international database “Biomass plot data base”, which characterizes pine stands of the study region. Moreover, 12 TSPs were established in pine stands of the study region and adjacent areas, including the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone.
Within the thesis, forest typological basis was used as a classification basis for modeling the dynamics of biometric indices of modal pine stands of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. For this purpose, five forest types have been identified: dry infertile pine forest type (A1-C), fresh infertile pine forest type (A2-C), fresh fairly infertile oak-pine forest type (B2-дС), moist fairly infertile oak-pine forest type (B3-дС), and wet fairly fertile hornbeam-oak-pine forest type (С3-г-дС), which characterize the growth processes in pine stands over more than 95 % of forest areas covered with forest vegetation within the study region. As a result of dissertation research for modal pine stands of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, we propose a system of models of dynamics of the following biometric indices. These mathematical dependences are characterized by high level of approximation of the input data and serve as a basis for the corresponding yield tables on a typological basis.
The thesis also proposes reference and information support for assessing bioproductivity and carbon sequestrative capacity of pine stands. The dynamic tables of bioproductivity on the basis of models of dynamics of biometric indices and the models of conversion ratios of components of live biomass (trunk over bark, crown branches, foliage and roots) have been developed.
In the thesis, in addition to the previously mentioned normative tools, a general assessment of bioproductivity of forests of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone has been carried out. The total live biomass of pine stands in the region is estimated at 15 million tons of dry organic matter, or an average of about 18 kg‧(m2)-1.
While performing the tasks of the research it was also established that the net primary production of pine stands of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone is about 400 thousand tons of carbon per year. The mean intensity of carbon sequestration capacity of the studied stands is about 460 g С∙(m2)-1, which is almost 8 % higher in comparison with the pine stands of Kyiv region. At the same time, the most intensive carbon sequestration occurs in mid-aged stands – 474 g С∙(m2)-1. Іt has been found that the difference between the specific value of net primary production by site index classes 360 %, from 611 g C∙(m2)-1 in stands of Ib site index class to 133 g C∙(m2)-1 in stands of Va site index class.
In general, the highest absolute carbon-sequestering capacity is typical for mid-aged pine stands of I site index class, which are quite common in fresh fairly infertile oak-pine sites.
The presented results of evaluation of net primary production and carbon-sequestering function of pine stands of the studied region determine their biospheric potential and serve as a scientific basis for forest management in radiation-contaminated forests of the Exclusion Zone.
The assessment of the total amount of energy accumulated in the above-ground live biomass of pine stands in the Exclusion Zone carried out in the thesis showed that its total content in the components of the above-ground live biomass is about 14 PJ. A special condition for ensuring the use of the energy potential of the forests of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone on the basis of sustainable development is the absence of exceeding the radionuclide contamination norms. At the same time, only a half of this potential corresponds to the hygienic standard of (137) Cs content. Thus, taking into account the quantitative restrictive criteria of environmentally safe energy potential of wood biomass in the forests of the region, such as the content of (137) Cs at 600 Bq∙kg-1 and (90) Sr – 60 Bq∙kg-1, its use can be carried out only in specially equipped boiler houses, which significantly limits the possibility of using about 30 thousand m3 of wood biomass of pine forests in the region
Ключові слова
біопродуктивність, вуглецедепонувальна функція, енергія, насадження, сосна звичайна, таксаційна характеристика, таблиці, тип лісу, хід росту, Чорнобильська зона відчуження
Бібліографічний опис
Динаміка росту та продуктивність соснових насаджень Чорнобильської зони відчуження: автор. дис. ...кандидата с.-г. наук: 06.03.02 "Лісовпорядкування та лісова таксація" (с.-г. науки) / О.А. Слива ; Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України. - Київ, 2021. - 23 с