Actual Problems of Meat-Processing Industry
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Editing center of the NULES of Ukraine
The manual describes the problems that exist at the modern situation in meatprocessing
industry of Ukraine and considered the principal properties of substances,
which form the raw materials and finished products, as well as reviewed the
mechanisms of processes of their use at all stages of their reprocessing and
production. there are given the comparative characteristics of the traditional and
modern technologies of manufacturing of meat products and specified advantages
and drawbacks of use of ingredients of foods, as well as the biologically active
additives used as the integral components of ration of men in XXI century. There is
detailed the information on modern state of use of nanomaterials in processes of
producing and packing of meat products, interpreted the problem of modern state of
assuring of its proper quality and safety of consumption. There are given the
information on recommended methods of organization of mass production in
conditions of protection of good conditions of the territory adjoining to the enterprise
and environment in whole.
The manual is assigned for masters of sciences of specialty of 181 "Alimentary
technologies", post-graduate students, specialists who operate in sphere of
reprocessing of products of agriculture and all persons interested rising of quality and
safety of foods
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Actual Problems of Meat-Processing Industry : manual / L. V. Bal’-Prylypko [et al.] ; Under the general ed. L. V. Bal’-Prylypko. - Second Edition, revised and augmented. - К. : Editing center of the NULES of Ukraine, 2016. - 368 p.