Агрохімічна ефективність біологізації системи удобрення сільськогосподарських культур на дерново-слабопідзолистих грунтах
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The thesis for a scientific degree of the Candidate of agricultural sciences in specialty 06.01.04 – agricultural chemistry. – National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2016. Research of agrochemical efficiency of newly produced fermented organic fertilizers is very relevant in connection with the acute shortage of traditional organic fertilizers, as the current level of their production does not even cover the needs of 8% of arable land in organic matter as well as with the modern requirements of agricultural production the basic ones of which are reduction of energy consumption and resource-saving of modern technologies of cultivation and facilities. Just the said aspects of agrochemical and power efficiency of fermented organic fertilizers and microbiological preparations application have been appreciated.
During the field studies on soft sod-podzolic soils under natural conditions of Western Polissia it was found out that combination of fermented organic fertilizer based on peat and chicken manure in proportioning N90K120+P60 (granular phosphorite) + FOF (10 t/ha) (fermented organic fertilizer) for potatoes ensures the highest rates of agrochemical efficiency in the plowed layer of soil that resulted in increasing: mineral nitrogen compounds – up to 56.8 mg/kg (+36,0 % before control), moving phosphorus compounds – up to 119 mg/kg (+22,9 % before control), potassium exchange – up to 47 mg/kg (+36,1 % before control) which is recommended for implementing into production.
The recommended system of using fertilizers provides increase of the potatoes yield up to 35t/ha, starch output – up to 5,7 t/ha and the content of vitamin C – up to 13.6 mg/%, having (+35,4%) a residual effect on the yield of winter wheat increasing it up to 37.6 % before control and winter rye increasing its yield by 35,0 % before control. Besides, high rates of crops profitability are provided representing namely for potatoes – 75 %, winter wheat – 85 %, winter rye – 80 %
Ключові слова
ферментоване органічне добриво, органо-мінеральна система застосування добрив, дерново-слабопідзолистий ґрунт, агрохімічні показники родючості, мікробіологічні препарати, урожайність, економічна ефективність, енергетична ефективність
Бібліографічний опис
Агрохімічна ефективність біологізації системи удобрення сільськогосподарських культур на дерново-слабопідзолистих грунтах: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня кандидата с.-г. наук: 06.01.04 - агрохімія / Н. С. Ковальчук ; Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України. - К., 2016. - 23 с