Conceptual principles of land protection in context sustainable development
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The essence of the social, economic and environmental foundations of sustainable development of society and urban land use in modern conditions is studied. On the example of the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv, the author analyses the use of land by categories and the methodological principles of functioning of land use of the natural and recreational complex. Additional materials for in-depth study and analysis of topical issues of this problem are proposed. The publication is intended for researchers, specilists in the field of urban planning, land relations and ecology, employees of state authorities and local self-government bodies, teachers, students, specialists of land management organisations. The monograph was completed as part of the research work BF/39-2022 "Socio-economic challenges of decentralization processes and land management reform for the Ukrainian countryside.
Approved for publication by the Academic Council of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Ключові слова
охорона земель, землевпорядкування, землекористування, land protection, land management, land use
Бібліографічний опис
Conceptual principles of land protection in context sustainable development : monograph / I. O. Novakovska, L. A. Hunko. - К. : , 2024. - 293 p. - ISBN 978-617-8007-32-4